Trained as a mastering engineer, turned DIY/noise musician, experimental vocalist, electronic musician, sound artist, and sound designer, l increasingly find myself submerged in subtle sounds and sonic microcosms. investigating advances in technology for ever more intimate and heightened experiences.
Also trained as a body and energy worker, I am deeply inspired by Deep Listening, breathwork, spirit, animism, primal uttering, motherly humming, ASMR, synthesia, sonic tasting and more, working to integrate some of these phenomena in music and/or sound collages, constantly experimenting with technological setup, personal modality, modes of improvisation and composition.
Some say sound gave birth to the universe. Each of us is a microcosm in a macrocosm. Our conscious lives and sense of selves begin, with the transformation from complete oneness with our mothers, to individual beings. Vacuum arises in our lungs from the transition into to the surrounding atmosphere, air, with which we instinctively fill our lungs and cry out to the world: a confirmation of new life.
We become separate, yet we are part of a greater organism, our planet. We dance a sublime dance with plants, exchanging vital nutrients. We breathe the same air that every human, animal, plant and organism ever has and ever will breathe - the same air breathed by Buddha, Jesus, Maria Magdalena, Mohammed, Gandhi, and Mother Teresa. With air, we voice our needs, as do all other primates. We gained language. A giant evolutionary leap propelled homo sapiens to a cognitive revolution that enabled us to learn, refer and organize verbal, and later written knowledge in a way, that ultimately gave us the upper hand, compared to any other species that we know of. We have become ingenious and god-like in our achievements with almost endless capabilities and freedom. But we have also become more isolated and stressed in a modern world, where most communication happens digitally, at a very high pace, without the human contact and connection we’ve had in our respective tribes until very recently. Civilization has brought us development and opportunity, but it has also taught us to suppress our primitive nature, to the extent that we’ve actually become disconnected from several of our innate needs. Loneliness and stress are proven causes of a myriad of modern illnesses and psychological disorders. Stress is a form of chronicle fear. We stop breathing fully when we are stressed, which deprives us of oxygen and a cascade of related physical and emotional benefits. Just as research has shown that human physical contact, meaningful emotional connection, and purpose enhance health and well-being, so too do we know, that simply slowing down and relearning to breathe more fully enables more physical rejuvenation, mental clarity, presence, and intimacy. The depth and sound of our breath and voice may reveal more about our true states than most of us are aware of.
So what does it sound like when we bypass civilized manners to let our true nature sound out in pleasure for example?
Is it possible to create a space that evokes an inherent memory of existence free from cultivated constraint and modern conditioning?
Can a sea of deep natural breathing resound in the physical body and influence one’s own breath, the unconscious experience of breathing and the conscious understanding of what this means/effect this can have?
What is pure human utterance?
Can we recognize it?
Can I create a plane of voicing that lies between sound and song?
Between unconscious and conscious?
Between nature and culture?
That facilitates communion of the two?
And inspires us to live in better balance with nature and ourselves?
I am deeply interested in the human voice, it’s primal expressions and modes of respiration. My purpose is to create sound spaces that turn our understanding of an otherwise private experience of breath and utterance in on itself by making the inaudible audible, the intimate public, the real hyperreal.
I project expressions of natural human states and experience in preternatural audio re-/presentations hoping to simultaneously inspire an instinctive physiological response, and sonically illuminate the space between preconscious limitation and conscious potentiality.